Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Tribute to My Wife, Elizabeth

Today, February 23, is the third anniversary of my marriage to my wife, Elizabeth. It would only be fitting to publicly affirm and praise her. Like all living followers of Jesus Christ, she has much remaining sin. However, God’s saving and transforming grace is surely evident with her. And I am confident that the Spirit of God will continue to change her more into the image of Christ through the rest of her days in this life.

Here is simply a sampling of the things that I find immensely desirable about her (in no particular order):
  • Elizabeth strongly embraces the sovereignty of God in all of life, including the salvation of sinners. This can, by no means, be underestimated. It is so essential to a strong and enduring marriage. My wife, Elizabeth, is one of the very few men and women who are humble enough to adhere to this precious reality. I am so thankful to God!
  • Elizabeth is so diligent in the so-called, “spiritual disciplines.” She is disciplined enough to get up before 6:00 am on the weekdays to read the Word of God and to pray. (I am sure she looks at Facebook, too!). I am so thankful to God that He inclines her to nourish her soul with His awesome Word. She doesn’t speak about it much, but she also memorizes lots of Scripture. God will certainly bless her profusely for such diligence.
  • Elizabeth possesses intense love for her family. She surely honors her parents and has a healthy relationship with her siblings and their families. If needed, she would do whatever it would take to provide for them and to protect them physically and spiritually.
  • Elizabeth deeply cares for the lost. I often see her anguish over those who are rejecting Christ and are on a path to hell. Her passion for the glory of God in the salvation of sinners is such an inspiration to me.
  • Elizabeth exemplifies biblical submission to me, her husband. I can scarcely remember a time where she has challenged my leadership. In fact, when I fail in leading her, she often exhorts me to pursue the biblical mandate for a husband.
  • Elizabeth is independent enough, by nature, and content enough in the Lord, by a supernatural work, that I am confident that she would be more than okay, if God caused me to die early in our marriage.
  • Elizabeth is an absolutely gorgeous woman. Her face, smile, hair, skin, and other features J are so satisfying. Most men would envy me because of the beautiful woman that God has given to me.
  • Elizabeth is such a hard-worker. Whether at work or at home, she represents Christ very well in her excellence and organization.
  • Elizabeth is so frugal for the glory of Christ. Unlike many wives, I have complete trust in her in her handling of money. In fact, I occasionally have to prod her a little to indulge in various God-ordained pleasures.
  • Elizabeth loves children. In this age where many women have abandoned God’s will for their femininity, Elizabeth joins many other Christ-following women through history in her delight and care for children, including the unborn. I have no doubts that she would be a fantastic mother.
  • Elizabeth enjoys God’s spectacular creation. She puts me to shame with her energy in going on hikes, bike rides, or other activities in this dazzling world that God has made. At the same time, she always directs this wonder to the God behind all this beauty.
  • Elizabeth is amazingly creative and romantic. Before we got married and during our marriage, Elizabeth has surprised me often with creative and thoughtful presents that have extremely touched me. I want to strive to just have a measure of her creativity, so that I can reciprocate all the satisfaction she has given me these last three plus years with her thoughtfulness. 
  • Elizabeth shows much patience with me. Even though I disappoint her often, she is careful in voicing her disapproval. I am sure she is aware of God’s continual work in me. I am also certain that she earnestly prays for me that God will strengthen me to be a more obedient follower of Christ and to be a husband who leads, protects, and provides for her for her ultimate good and for the glory of Christ.
  • Elizabeth demonstrates her genuine love for other believers in a variety of ways. For instance, she is deeply concerned about the welfare of a former boyfriend that she had a long and deeply emotional relationship with. While others might harbor irresistible bitterness in such a scenario, I see the love of Christ radiating through her.
  • Elizabeth is constantly battling sin which blocks greater affection for Jesus Christ in all of life. She understands the gravity of sin and the terrifying prospect of the hardening of her heart if sin is left unchecked in her life.
  • Elizabeth is not afraid to die. She knows that death is simply a gateway to paradise with Christ. She is not so attached to the things of this world, that she would hesitate to give it all up (including me) if it meant being in the literal presence of Jesus Christ.
Again, this is a sampling of the things that I commend Elizabeth to my readers. I could definitely list more. May the Spirit of God continue to powerfully work in Elizabeth as she passionately pursues Jesus Christ as her all-satisfying Treasure.

Happy 3rd Anniversary My Luscious One!

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